Day 6


May 13, 2023

    Today, I wanted to get in a kayak. I had a ton of fun rafting, but I was ready to run the Nantahala in a kayak for a change of perspective. The Nantahala isn't a very stout run except for the falls at the end, so I wanted the least stable boat possible. I chose the Dagger Nova which is a full slice. Full slices have flattened bows and sterns for the most fun possible. I shuttled up to the put-in with another kayaker from the guide school and a raft with more people from the school. I imagined that the rapids would look much bigger in the kayak than the raft and they did. Not only did they look bigger, but I had a lot more fun than in the raft. I could catch every eddy, and turn myself vertical on every peel-out. My fellow kayaker and I had a grin on our faces the whole way down. Once completing the falls, we made our way down to the play hole where the carnage began. After getting tossed around for fifteen minutes we called it quits. 

Total: 49 hours

Nantahala Falls


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