Weekly Reflection 2


    My second week here at NOC was an eventful one. I first shadowed the learn-to-kayak program. We traveled to the Tuckasegee, Chattooga, and Nantahala Rivers. They were all a bit below my pay grade except for a section of the Chattooga, but there is always more to learn on the river no matter the gradient. One of my goals for the project was to start learning to be a kayak instructor, and I found this experience very helpful. I got to see what works and doesn't when trying to teach someone how to do something. Sometimes it's hard to simplify things when the way that you think about it is complicated. It can also be hard to get thoughts into words at times. This experience has made me consider getting my ACA kayak instructor certification. 

    On the weekend, I participated in the Swift Water Rescue course. It taught me techniques for river safety and rescue in different river conditions. I didn't just take this course to know how to save someone else, but for my own safety as well. Sometimes when you think you know what you are doing you can make mistakes. I'd rather not have those mistakes be followed by consequences. I now feel more confident in my own safety as well as the others I may paddle with. 

    I feel that I have accomplished my goals of learning to be an instructor and learning swift water rescue to the fullest. I took advantage of every opportunity I was given to get a little more out of the experience. It was hard not to. The people at NOC and the place itself are so great it feels wrong not to live your life to the fullest when you are there. That had a major role in my choice to work there as a raft guide this summer. 

Total: 93 hours

Nantahala Falls Carnage    


  1. This is from Liam:

    Dean this project truly was a match made in heaven for you. So happy and proud of you for finding so many life lessons in this experience as well.


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