Day 8


May 15

Today, my original plan was to start shadowing the 4-day lean to kayak program, but plans changed when I decided I would work at NOC in the summer as a raft guide. Today was the new hire orientation. I was expecting a PowerPoint presentation and paperwork. That is exactly what I got. The best part was the 10-minute coffee break. The part of the presentation that got me engaged was the perks and benefits slide. We basically got the golden ticket to all of the local attractions as well as discounts on everything NOC. Once finishing the slide show, we moved on to getting staff ID cards where we sat in line for an hour and a half. Although the afternoon was quite miserable, it was exciting to know I was going to work at such an incredible place. 


8:00am to 2:00pm

Day: 6 hours

Total: 55 hours


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