Day 4


Today, the raft school and I traveled to the French Broad River which was a few hours away from the main campus. It is one of the oldest rivers in the world. The section we ran consisted of a few class 111 rapids and two class 1V's. That may sound fun, but the river is rain dependent and was fairly low. Whenever I moved away from the flowiest part of the rapid I was immediately stuck on a rock. This happened several times as the river is very wide and it is hard to find the best line. I got to do the last class IV section. Prior to entering the rapid, there were many rocks to get stuck on which was a good thing in this case so I could scout. I managed to not get stuck on the only part it would've been good too. I did the rapid reactive rather than proactive since it was so fast. I didn't lose any crew or flip the raft so I counted it as a successful run. Tomorrow for the last day, we will be running the Nantahala Falls all day long. 


8:00am to 7:00pm

Day: 11 hours

Total: 41 hours


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